How to Fix a Bad Abdominoplasty with Revision Abdominoplasty Surgery


Dr Bernard Beldholm

Do you want to fix a bad tummy tuck? You’re not alone. Tummy tuck surgery is supposed to give you a flat, smooth tummy…but in reality, that doesn’t always happen. Most patients are thrilled with their tummy tuck results, but that is not always the case. If your first plastic surgeon didn’t deliver the results you were expecting, seeking a new surgeon for tummy tuck revision surgery can correct it.

What is revision tummy tuck surgery?

Tummy tuck revision is a surgical procedure that corrects or improve the results of a past tummy tuck. While most patients are highly satisfied after tummy tuck surgery, some may seek help to correct post-op tummy tuck problems. Patients often choose a new surgeon for a revision tummy tuck if they were not satisfied with their first surgery. As a specialist body contouring surgeon, Doctor Bernard has helped many patients improve the results of their first tummy tuck operation with revision surgery.

Getting it right the first time

In a perfect world, everyone would get a great tummy tuck result. Of course, things don’t always play out that way. That is why some patients come in for a revision tummy tuck.

Revision surgery has some challenges. The main problem is that there will be scar tissue from from the first surgery. Further, if you are seeking revision with a new surgeon, it is hard to be 100% certain how the first surgeon performed the surgeon. That can make revision surgery a bit more challenging. It’s very important to see a qualified surgeon that is experienced in revision abdominoplasty.

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9 reasons to get a revision tummy tuck

There are the top reasons patients come see Doctor Bernard for abdominoplasty revision.

1. The first tummy tuck didn’t include liposuction

A tummy tuck only addresses loose skin. A tummy tuck with liposuction addresses both loose skin and fat. If you had your first tummy tuck without liposuction, you may notice the results aren’t as smooth and attractive as you had hoped.

Many times, patients come in for abdominal liposuction after getting a tummy tuck that didn’t include lipo. If you need extensive liposuction, however, that won’t give you a great result. Once the fat is gone, you will end up with loose skin on your tummy again. That means you may need a revision tummy tuck with liposuction.

Doctor Bernard uses the latest VASER liposuction technology during his tummy tuck operations. This cutting-edge fat removal device gives incredibly smooth results to make your tummy look nice and toned. To learn about the benefits of VASER liposuction over traditional liposuction, please visit this page.

2. Poor cut/incision

Closing the incision is often the hardest part of the tummy tuck procedure. This is why choosing a specialist body contouring surgeon makes a big difference. Placing the incision correctly is vital to a good result. Inexperienced surgeons may place the incision too high or low. The incision may also have been made too wide, or even crooked.

However, a poor incision can sometimes occur even with a qualified surgeon. Tummy tuck scar healing and skin quality varies a great deal from patient to patient. Everyone heals differently. It is not always possible to predict how the patient’s skin will heal over time.

This is easily correct with a tummy tuck revision or scar revision surgery. Doctor Bernard uses an artistic eye to precisely place the incisions. The excess scar can be cut out and carefully stitched closed again so that it has a more refined appearance. Doctor Bernard explains that this is not a difficult operation. He can perform the surgery in less than an hour. You may not even need to undergo general anesthesia. In less than an hour, the incision can be greatly improved.

3. Muscle separation

Many new mothers and post-weight loss patients suffer from separated ab muscles along with loose skin. Also known as diastasis recti, surgical correction may be needed when ab muscle repair exercises fail to correct the problem. Signs of torn abdominal muscles may include a bulge on the front of the abdomen or abdominal weakness.

A standard tummy tuck just removes loose skin on the abdomen. Not all tummy tuck surgeons will repair the abdominal muscles that have stretched due to weight loss or pregnancy. If you got a flat and tight tummy, but still have muscle separation, then a a revision tummy tuck can help correct that. Doctor Bernard’s lipo-abdominoplasty not only removes extra skin folds and refines pockets of fat, it also repairs separated abdominal muscles.

4. Skin flaps don’t line up

When stitching the skin closed after a tummy tuck, the goal is to make the skin flaps line up perfectly. This can be tricky for an inexperienced surgeon. In Doctor Bernard’s lipo-abdominoplasty, he uses precise surgical techniques to help the skin flaps line up evenly so you get an attractive result.

One method he uses is tilting the operating table slightly before closing the incision. Since the wound is closed with slight tension due to gravity, the incision can be stitched closed nice and taut. It is important to do it this way to make sure the tummy skin has a nice tightness after the tummy tuck.

Using liposuction also greatly reduces the chance of a crooked line where the skin is stitched closed.

If you had a tummy tuck surgery and notice that the skin around the incision isn’t lining up beautifully, Doctor Bernard’s revision tummy tuck can help.

5. Having another baby

Women should wait to get a tummy tuck until after they are done having children. However, we all know life doesn’t always go as planned. If you had a tummy tuck believing you wouldn’t get pregnant again, but later changed your mind, you may end up with loose skin after pregnancy all over again.

It is not dangerous to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, but pregnancy will stretch the skin. A revision tummy tuck is perfect to remove loose skin after pregnancy.

6. Gaining then losing weight

After a tummy tuck, it is important to maintain a stable weight. Gaining then losing weight can stretch your skin out again. Skin usually does not retract all the way after losing 30-40 kilos or more. Losing a substantial amount of weight results in loose skin on the tummy, thighs, arms and other areas.

A tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss surgery. The goal of a tummy tuck is to remove loose skin that remains after major weight loss or pregnancy. If you had abdominoplasty before reaching a stable weight, then lose even more weight, you’ll just have more loose skin.

Revision abdominoplasty can get rid of extra skin on the abdomen that occurs after losing more weight.

7. Belly button revision

Does your belly button look strange after tummy tuck surgery? This is unfortunately a common problem. Inexperienced surgeons may make the mistake of shaping the belly button too round. This does not look natural. It is one of the top reasons patients come to Doctor Bernard for tummy tuck revision.

The goal of any cosmetic surgery is a natural-looking result. As you can tell from looking at most belly buttons, the navel is normally oval, not round. There’s also usually has a small hood of skin at the top of the navel. Of course, belly button shape varies from person to person. But having these features makes the belly button looks more natural after tummy tuck surgery. Doctor Bernard can do a belly button revision during the tummy tuck repair surgery for patients that need it.

8. Touching up an old tummy tuck

A tummy tuck permanently removes excess skin on the abdomen. However, it will not stop the skin aging process. As you get older, the skin produces much less elastin than it did in your youth. That means skin loses elasticity over time. Skin can become thin, weak and loose with age, whether you had a tummy tuck or not. For patients that had a tummy tuck 20 years ago, a touch up may be needed to tighten loose skin.

9. Improving results from a mini tummy tuck

We see lots of new mums that dislike that overhanging flap of skin on the lower abdomen after a cesarean birth. A mini tummy tuck is perfect for that. It is less invasive and also less costly than a full tummy tuck procedure. The recovery time is shorter, too.

It’s no surprise that many women choose the mini tummy tuck for these reasons. Many women just want a subtle improvement to their post-pregnancy body and can’t deal with prolonged downtime with a newborn at home. They may choose a mini tummy tuck because of these reasons, only to later change their mind.

Down the road, they may wish they had a full tummy tuck to get rid of even more loose skin. Some women come in for revision surgery a few years after a mini tummy tuck to make their tummy look even better.

A mini tummy tuck only addresses lower abdominal skin. It does not remove loose skin on the upper abdomen like a full tummy tuck. If you later decide to remove loose skin on the upper tummy, a revision tummy tuck can accomplish that.

Download our short guide: “Preparing for your Abdominoplasty Surgery Checklist”

Preparing for your Tummy Tuck Surgery

What to expect during revision tummy tuck surgery

A revision tummy tuck can tidy up the tummy area and improve upon the results of the first surgery. However, there are some key differences. A revision tummy tuck is a more delicate operation because there is scar tissue and permanent sutures after the first surgery.

Patients frequently see Doctor Bernard for revision surgery after getting a tummy tuck by another surgeon. There is no way to know exactly how the original surgeon performed the surgery until the abdomen is reopened during revision surgery. Revision surgery must be performed slowly and carefully, being mindful of these factors.

Furthermore, if you had a full tummy tuck in the past (meaning you had been cut all the way up to the rib), then the blood supply in those areas may be reduced. It is not a good idea to do aggressive liposuction or tightening during the revision surgery. This can be risky. You can definitely still get lipo, but it must not be too extensive.

During the revision surgery, the loose skin will be removed and tightened. This should be done with caution. The loose skin will be greatly improved, but it is unlikely to be as tight as would have been possible during the first surgery.

A revision tummy tuck can greatly improve the results of your first tummy tuck, but it must be performed with great care by an experienced surgeon.


If you’re unhappy with your tummy tuck results, the good news is revision tummy tuck surgery may be able to correct it. You don’t have to live with tummy tuck results that don’t meet your expectations. Revision tummy tuck surgery also comes in handy when you had an unexpected pregnancy after your first tummy tuck, or if you later gained and lost weight, leaving loose skin behind again. No matter the reason, tummy tuck revision with a highly trained body contouring specialist is the preferred way to get a great result.

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