Step-by-Step Operation Guide: Extended VASER Lipo-Abdominoplasty with Diastasis Recti and Left Femoral Hernia Repair in a Post-Pregnancy Patient

Step-by-Step Operation Guide: Extended VASER Lipo-Abdominoplasty with Diastasis Recti and Left Femoral Hernia Repair in a Post-Pregnancy Patient

Indications: Post-pregnancy loose skin, abdominal muscle separation, and femoral hernia with functional issues Approach: Extended VASER Lipo-abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) with Diastasis Recti and Femoral Hernia Repair  Introduction A 44 year-old female who experienced significant weight loss presented with a moderate amount of post-pregnancy loose abdominal skin that extended beyond the lower

Can I Switch My Breast Implants for Fat Grafting?

Can I Switch My Breast Implants for Fat Grafting?

Breast implants eventually need replacing. Perhaps you have thought about removing breast implants and having fat grafting instead. Is it possible? Yes, in some cases. Today, we will talk about some factors you’ll need to consider. This will help you decide if new breast implants or breast fat transfer is

Thinking of Breast Fat Transfer? Read this First

Breast fat transfer is a 100% natural way to increase cup size while slimming another body part, such as the tummy. However, there are limitations to what breast fat transfer, also called breast fat grafting, can do for you. Keep reading to find out who is a good candidate for

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