How to Get Rid of Man Boobs with Surgery


Dr Bernard Beldholm

Many men develop excess breast tissue at some point in their lives. A condition known as gynaecomastia could be the culprit. When exercise and dieting have failed to reduce the size of overly large, feminine-looking male breasts, many patients turn to a specialist surgeon such as Dr Bernard Beldholm to discuss gynecomastia surgery, also called a male breast reduction or gynaecomastia breast gland removal.

Download our free ebook: “Gynaecomastia Surgery – Must know facts”

Gynaecomastia Surgery Handbook

How surgery can help

Gynaecomastia surgery works by removing the gland and shaping the chest with liposuction. In Dr Bernard Beldholm’s experience, patients that receive gynecomastia surgery report a number of benefits such as a more traditionally masculine chest shape and firmer-looking skin after the procedure. All surgery carries risks and results can vary.

Anaesthesia during surgery

Gynaecomastia surgery takes place while the patient is under general anaesthesia in a private hospital. A licensed anaesthetist oversees their vitals so Dr Beldholm can focus on reshaping the chest. While general anesthesia presents a low risk of complications for most healthy individuals, careful monitoring is necessary to ensure the patient does not have a bad reaction. After waking from anaesthesia, side effects such as nausea, grogginess, and bruising or soreness from the IV drip are common. Patients may receive anti-emetic medication for a more comfortable experience in the recovery room if needed.

The location of the procedure

The surgery is performed at a private hospital in either Maitland or Hunter Valley. The bulk of Dr Beldholm’s procedures take place at either one of these locations. Both private hospitals are equipped with a state-of-the-art operating room. Patients can easily choose which location is most convenient for them.

Preparing for surgery

It’s important to identify the root of the problem before addressing the cosmetic side of gynaecomastia. Once a surgery date has been planned, it’s critical that the patient:

  • Stop smoking
  • Check with your surgeon about your current medications
  • Avoid taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. They can increase bleeding.
  • Be as fit as possible to help the recovery process
  • Reach your optimal weight

Long before the first incision is ever made, Dr Beldholm will provide patients with detailed preoperative instructions. It’s vital that patients follow them carefully. While prepping for the surgery, patients may also want to consider putting together a “recovery area” in their home. This may include placing pillows, ice packs, a thermometer and a telephone within easy reach. Make sure a relative or friend is also available to drive you to and from the hospital. It’s also highly advised that patients have someone to stay with them for at least 24 hours after they return home.

The Procedure: What happens?

Modern gynecomastia techniques include liposuction. In order to promote a better cosmetic result, Dr Beldholm incorporates VASER high definition liposuction into the gynecomastia surgeries he performs. This technique removes unwanted fat from the breast area.

The incision patterns may vary depending on the specific conditions of the patient and Dr Beldholm’s surgical preference. Generally speaking, he makes an incision around the lower portion of the areola to access the gland. Dr Beldholm then carefully removes the gland and excessive tissue through the incision. He closes the incision with sutures and applies a bandage.

The potential risks

All surgeries come with potential risks. However, while rare, these are some of the risks and complications that all patients should be aware of, according to the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons:

  • A blood clot in the deep veins of the legs (deep vein thrombosis), which can move to the lungs (pulmonary embolus) or to the brain and may be life threatening
  • Risks of anaesthesia including allergic reaction or potentially fatal cardiovascular complications such as heart attack
  • Temporary numbness or loss of breast sensation
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars that are raised, red and thickened scars.
  • Slightly mismatched breasts or nipples
  • Allergic reaction to suture materials, tape adhesive or other medical materials and lotions
  • Infection, bleeding, bruising, seroma, skin loss, and prolonged recovery time

What to expect after surgery

After surgery, it is completely normal for patients to experience pain, bruising, swelling and numbness around the operated site. This will typically subside overtime. In the meantime, Dr Beldholm will generally provide his patients with medication to cope with the pain. In most cases, patients will be allowed to go home the same day, however, Dr Beldholm and his staff will regularly check up on them. At any point patients have concerns or problems, we want them to let us know as soon as possible so that we can address it right away!

While it’s not exactly a fashion statement, patients will be required to wear a compression garment to provide support for their chest area. A plastic tube may be inserted into each breast to drain excess fluid. Other dressings may be changed or removed at this time.

Depending on the extent of the patient’s procedure, they may need to take a few days off work to rest. It’s also a good idea for patients to avoid heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, swimming and strenuous sports until Dr Beldholm gives them the “green light” to do so. The good news is that most patients are able to return to work and some of their light activities in about seven days or so, although everyone heals differently and some patients require additional time off to heal.

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Life after surgery

Following gynecomastia surgery, most patients notice early improvements within the first few weeks, although it can take several months to a year to see the final results. The shape and appearance of their chest will also be noticeably better. Of course, as the patient’s body heals, the results will continue to improve. Overtime, scars will continue to fade and hardly be noticeable–if at all.

In order to maintain the results from the surgery, it is so important that patients maintain a healthy weight, avoid steroid use, monitor any underlying condition that may have contributed to the patient’s feminine-like breasts, and avoid drugs that could influence testosterone levels. Failing to do so could result in a patient having gynecomastia all over again.

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30 Belmore Rd
Lorn NSW 2320


This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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