Exercising After Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery


Dr Bernard Beldholm

Exercising after abdominoplasty surgery requires caution and careful planning to avoid complications and ensure a smooth recovery. You should be able to resume light exercise in weeks 2-4 and full exercise in weeks 6-8.

exercising after surgical procedure | Dr Bernard Beldholm
Exercising after surgical procedure | Dr Bernard Beldholm

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Exercise is vital for recovery as it promotes blood circulation, which aids in the recovery process, but one should adopt the routine carefully. Adhering to my recommended tummy tuck guidelines and personalised exercise program will help you achieve your desired results without complications. Safe exercising boosts your energy levels and helps you gradually ease back into your daily routine.

The time it takes to return to full exercise will be influenced by the type of abdominoplasty, your overall health, and how well you are healing. It is important to start slowly, listen to your body, and stop if you experience any discomfort or pain.

Today, I will guide you through a structured recovery plan, outlining the exercises and activities that are safe during each phase of your recovery.

exercising after surgical procedure
Exercising after surgical procedure

Exercising Post Abdominoplasty – What to Expect?

Abdominoplasty is a major surgery that requires ample rest and diligent care for optimal results. The surgical incision is made on the abdomen where most core muscles are located. Core muscles are essential for performing basic tasks like lifting, maintaining a straight posture, and supporting a healthy back.

You need to start slowly and gradually increase your activity level to avoid tearing the repaired abdominal wall or reopening the wound. The following recovery timeline will help you understand how to manage your physical activity.

Immediate Post-Surgery (First Two Weeks)

Rest and Recovery

The first two weeks set the tone for your healing process. This time should be spent resting to give your body enough energy to recuperate. Sudden movement or strenuous activities can disrupt healing and cause complications like swelling or bleeding. 

Gentle Movement

Rest is undeniably crucial; however, you should incorporate gentle movements like short walks around the house to promote blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots that could result in deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Wound Care

Taking care of the incisional site is important for the long-term aesthetic appearance of the scar. Maintaining hygiene when handling your surgical dressing, you avoid complications like infection, which can affect scar formation. It is essential to empty your drainage tubes regularly to prevent bad odour if you have drains.

Early Post-Surgery (Weeks 2-4)

During weeks 2-4, the incision site continues to heal, and some patients may experience itchiness as the skin heals. However, you may also feel numb in the tummy area where your abdominal nerves were manipulated during the procedure. I recommend that you adopt the following routine.

Light Activities

During this period, engage in light chores around the house and leisure walks outside, as this helps to improve blood circulation and mobility. These activities keep you healthy without interrupting the healing process. Increase the intensity of your activities gradually without straining your body.

Avoid Any Abdominal Strain

Avoid activities that strain your abdomen because they could impact your healing progress. If you are a stay-at-home mother, avoid lifting toddlers or grocery bags. You should also avoid exercises that strain the abdominal muscles, like sit-ups and leg raises. Even though these tasks may seem manageable, the strain on your abdomen can be significant and may hinder your recovery.

exercise after abdominoplasty
Exercise after abdominoplasty

Intermediate Post-Surgery (Weeks 4-6)

During weeks 4-6, the incisional site is partially healed. Collagen produced in the abdominal area strengthens the skin around the abdomen and the repaired abdominal wall. During weeks 4-6 post-surgery, you should engage in the following activities.

Follow-Up Appointment

A follow-up appointment 4 weeks after abdominoplasty surgery will put you on the right healing journey. I will assess your current physical state and your healing progress and make a tailored recommendation as to the appropriate exercises and activities you can safely engage in. Keep adhering to the guidelines to minimise the risk of complications and optimise your recovery outcome.

Light Exercises

Low-impact cardiovascular exercises like stationary cycling and brisk walking aid in healing without straining the abdominal area. Start with low-intensity exercises and watch out for any pain or discomfort you experience.

Some of the suitable light exercises you can engage in during this stage include;

  • Low-impact cardio like walking, cycling, or using an elliptical machine
  • Gentle yoga or pilates routines designed for post-surgery recovery
  • Resistance band exercises target the upper body and lower body.

I highly emphasise that you listen to your body and stop any activity that causes discomfort or pain. Reach out to me if you encounter anything that feels abnormal.

Core Exercises

Core exercises that exert pressure on the incisional site are not good for you. You should wait before engaging in most intense core exercises. However, after our consultation, I may recommend gentle core exercises that will gradually strengthen your abdominal muscles without causing undue stress on the surgical site. These might include pelvic tilts and bridges, abdominal bracing, and oblique twists with resistance bands.

post pregnancy exercises
Post pregnancy exercises

Late Post-Surgery (After 6 Weeks)

After 6 weeks, there will be notable progress on the incisional site. The swelling will have gone down, and you will begin to regain sensitivity where the nerves have been damaged. However, you should still be gentle with yourself.

Gradual Return to Exercise

At 6 weeks, most patients are comfortable returning to normal routines. However, to promote safe recovery, you should gradually reintroduce high-physical-demand activities.

Strength Training

During this stage, you should work with a physical therapist or personal trainer for better results. Lifting heavy objects could still strain your abdominal muscles, so ensure that you ease your body into it.

Core Workouts

Core workouts like pelvic tilts and planks can be performed safely. Do not push your body too hard, and stop as soon as it gets uncomfortable or painful. Core exercises help strengthen abdominal muscles, which in turn improve your body posture.

exercise after tummy tuck
Exercise after tummy tuck

Long-Term (After 8-12 Weeks)

At 8-12 weeks, you are ready to return to your normal activities without repercussions.

Full Exercise Routine

After 8 weeks, most patients are ready to return to their pre-abdominoplasty workout routines. You should not engage in high-intensity workouts without consulting me first. If you feel normal doing advanced strength training or cardiovascular exercise, you should take it as a sign that you are well-healed.

Listen to Your Body

To achieve the best results and have a smooth recovery, listen to your body’s signals. Pushing yourself too hard can set you back in your recovery process and lead to unsatisfactory results.

pastic surgeon
Plastic surgeon

Download our infographic: “15 Exercises to Try After Abdominoplasty”

General Tips for Exercising After Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery

Over the years, I have seen tremendous results in patients who have followed the tips below to the letter. It is important to note that the healing rate of incision wounds differs among patients. However, following these tips increases your chances for a better and more comfortable healing.

Wear Support Garments

Support garments aid in the speedy recovery of an abdominoplasty procedure by reducing seroma formation and pain levels. Ensure you diligently wear your compression garment for optimal comfort and satisfactory results. PubMed observed, “[e]lasticized abdominal binders provide a non-invasive intervention for enhancing recovery of walk performance, controlling pain and distress, and improving patients’ experience following MAS.”

Stay Hydrated

plastic surgeons recommend exercises prior to undergoing procedures to correct excess skin and fat
Plastic surgeons recommend exercises prior to undergoing procedures to correct excess skin and fat

Water is essential for the body’s daily functioning. Hydration balances bodily fluids, removing the risk of oedema and inflammation around the incision site. If you stay hydrated, your skin will be more elastic, and the wound will heal nicely, leaving behind an inconspicuous scar.

Eat a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet consists of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Proteins repair your skin and cell tissues after surgery; vitamins are for collagen production; and fibre helps to reduce inflammation. These foods work harmoniously to strengthen your immune system and heal your wound.

Follow Surgeon’s Advice

Following my advice on how to care for your wound, which exercises to do, and when to return to work will put you steps ahead on your post-surgical journey. With my 15 years of experience performing abdominoplasty surgeries, I believe my tailored advice will help you exercise carefully without compromising the results. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to your personal doctor.

Exercises After Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery

Not all exercises are fit for post-abdominoplasty patients. According to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, “[p]re and postoperative respiratory physiotherapy has been reported to prevent pulmonary complications in abdominal surgery. Breathing exercises improve respiratory muscle strength.”

Your recovery process and individual health factors play an important role in my exercise recommendations. The following are some of the best exercises that help in your healing process:

Traditional Crunch – Safe to Start 8 Weeks After Surgery

fat and skin removal
Fat and skin removal

Traditional crunches help you regain abdominal strength and tone the midsection. However, they do put a lot more strain on the diastasis recti repair, so wait at least 8 weeks to start them. This exercise, which targets the rectus abdominis muscle, involves lying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground. You contract your abdominal muscles to lift your shoulders off the floor while keeping your neck relaxed, creating an upright crunching motion targeting your lower abdomen.

Crunches are a suitable starting point when introducing core strengthening exercises into your routine.

Leg Lifts – Safe to Start 6 Weeks After Surgery

women with ab muscle separation after pregnancy
Women with ab muscle separation after pregnancy

Leg lifts are great workouts for the lower abdomen, back, and hips. They involve lifting your legs and keeping them straight while engaging the core muscles. They are gentle and controlled exercises that help engage the abdominal muscles without putting excessive strains on the surgical site, and are ideal for initial stages of recovery. I recommend starting these exercises 6 weeks post abdominoplasty surgery. 

Planks – Safe to Start 8 Weeks After Surgery

tummy tuck guide to exercise
Tummy tuck guide to exercise

Planks have many benefits, such as improving core strength, stability, and posture. They are simple to do since they do not require any equipment. You simply have to lift your body off the ground and maintain that position for a while. You can incorporate planks in your routine 8 weeks post-abdominoplasty.

Kegel Exercises – Safe to Start 2 Weeks After Surgery

One symptom of diastasis recti is incontinence due to a weak pelvic floor and muscles that can’t keep the sphincter closed. It is, therefore, important to strengthen your pelvic floor after abdominoplasty.

Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which helps maintain core strength. As long as you do not overexert yourself, you can start them within two weeks of abdominoplasty surgery.

The good news is the exercise is simple and can be done anywhere with no equipment. All you need to do is clench and unclench your pelvic in a set of repetitions. You’ll need to contract your pelvic muscles by tightening them as if you’re holding back urine.

Running/Jogging – Safe to Start 4 Weeks After Surgery

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Running / Jogging

Running or jogging stimulates your heart rate and promotes blood circulation without straining your abdominal muscles. If you do not have any underlying health issues, you can start jogging at 4-6 weeks post-surgery with my approval. Start with slow walks, graduate to light jogging as you build your resistance up, and eventually start running.

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Jogging at 4-6 weeks

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How much can I walk after an Abdominoplasty?

Start with light exercises around the house immediately after your abdominoplasty surgery to prevent blood clots from forming. Increase the duration of your walks gradually to avoid overexertion. To boost your energy levels, you can start going on runs 8 weeks post-surgery.

Can I do squats after a tummy tuck/ abdominoplasty?

I do not recommend squats to my patients during recovery as they strain the abdominal muscles. Doing squat exercises too early in the recovery process may derail your healing or open up your incisional wound.

How do I get my abdomen toned and tight after surgery?

For the first weeks and months after your surgery, intense exercise is off the table, so stick to a healthy diet of lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables. You will eventually be able to incorporate light exercises that strengthen your core, such as pelvic tilts, planks, and leg raises, but patience is critical during early recovery.

Can you tone your abdomen after a tummy tuck/ abdominoplasty?

Yes. Toning your abdomen after abdominoplasty requires patience and care. You should wait the first few weeks to incorporate core strengthening exercises. Consistent exercise and a healthy diet will help you achieve a toned abdomen.

Does fat return after an abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty surgery addresses loose skin and stubborn fat tissues on the abdomen. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle after the procedure, the excess fat you lost could return. It is essential to exercise regularly and ensure you lead a healthy lifestyle.

How can I avoid weight gain after a tummy tuck / abdominoplasty?

You can avoid weight gain after a tummy tuck procedure by consistently working out and leading a healthy lifestyle. Avoid high-calorie foods or inactivity, as this may lead to excessive weight gain.

Can I do sit-ups after abdominoplasty?

I recommend doing sit-ups 8 weeks after your abdominoplasty surgery to prevent straining the newly repaired abdominal muscles. Start slow with core-strengthening exercises and work your way up to sit-ups so that your body can have enough time to adjust.

Does a tummy tuck/ abdominoplasty make your waist smaller?

The extent of which your waist becomes smaller after a tummy tuck depends on your overall body mass index and the amount of excess skin and fat removed from your abdominal area. To get satisfactory long-term results, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr Bernard Beldholm (MED0001186274) M.B.B.S B.Sc (Med) FRACS
Dr Bernard Beldholm (MED0001186274) M.B.B.S B.Sc (Med) FRACS

Dr. B’s Final Take

Mainstream media has portrayed tummy tuck procedures as a quick fix, which is misleading. The post-abdominoplasty journey is complex and requires a lot of devotion. To promote speedy recovery and satisfying results, you should exercise to increase blood circulation without causing any strain on the abdomen. I advise my patients to seek professional advice for exercise recommendations to avoid overexerting their bodies and hampering their healing progress. Book a consultation at my clinic to find the best exercise for your situation.


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