Best Methods for How to Fix Diastasis Recti: Exercises and Treatments Explained

Best Methods for How to Fix Diastasis Recti: Exercises and Treatments Explained

Diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, can affect anyone, especially postpartum women. If you’re looking to learn how to fix diastasis recti, the good news is that there are specific exercises and treatments that can help. This article covers effective methods and step-by-step exercises to heal diastasis recti, offering you a

Double Trouble? How Twins and Multiple-Child Pregnancies Affect Abdominal Muscles

Double Trouble? How Twins and Multiple-Child Pregnancies Affect Abdominal Muscles

3 in every 1,000 births in Australia are multiple-child births. The mother’s uterus expands more during multiple childbirth pregnancies, increasing the chances of diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles). Excessive pressure can result in an umbilical hernia, weakened pelvic floor, and pain. If you live in Australia, statistics show that

How to Tell if Your Abdominal Muscles Were Torn (Diastasis Recti) During Pregnancy

How to Tell if Your Abdominal Muscles Were Torn (Diastasis Recti) During Pregnancy

Diastasis recti, or muscle separation, is very common among pregnant and postpartum women. Common indicators include difficulty lifting things, weak core strength, urinary incontinence, constipation, and hip and lumbopelvic pain. Pregnancy is one of the greatest blessings a woman can experience. But even with the celebrations that follow pregnancy, nothing

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