Dr. Bernard Beldholm’s Comprehensive Summary of Gynaecomastia Surgery Grading Systems

Dr. Bernard Beldholm’s Comprehensive Summary of Gynaecomastia Surgery Grading Systems

Gynaecomastia, the enlargement of male breast tissue, is commonly classified into grades based on the severity of the condition. The appearance of enlarged breasts is a concern that affects males of all ages from puberty on. While the term “gynaecomastia” is frequently used as a blanket term when referring to

Bodybuilder’s Guide to Managing Gynaecomastia

Bodybuilder’s Guide to Managing Gynaecomastia

During periods of intensive fat loss for bodybuilders getting stage-ready, the relative prominence of gynaecomastia becomes more noticeable. As body fat decreases, any existing breast tissue becomes more apparent against the chiseled contours of the chest. This can lead to aesthetic discrepancies that are especially concerning for competitive bodybuilders whose

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