Historically Significant: Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision, Webster (1946)

Historically Significant: Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision, Webster (1946) 

Written in 1946 by Dr. Jerome P. Webster, Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through a Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision describes a forward-thinking surgical technique for treating gynaecomastia using a minimally invasive approach.  First introduced in 1934, the Webster procedure holds particular historical significance as one of the first surgical approaches specifically designed to

Beldholm 2024 Gynaecomastia Grading System and Treatment Recommendations

Beldholm 2024 Gynaecomastia Grading System and Treatment Recommendations

More than a physical condition or aesthetic concerns, men suffering with gynaecomastia are also burdened with psychological issues and emotional distress, which can be just as, if not more, debilitating.  Developed after a decade and half of experience treating men with gynaecomastia, my goal when creating this new classification system

Rohrich Gynaecomastia Classification System (2003)

Rohrich Gynaecomastia Classification System (2003)

According to an article, Classification and Management of Gynecomastia: Defining the Role of Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction, written by Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., et al., medical management has had limited success for the treatment of gynaecomastia, with excisional surgical techniques becoming the accepted standard. However, with such important physical and psychological impacts and an

Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System

Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System

Introduced in 1961, the Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System focuses on identifying gynecomastia in its early stages, particularly in adolescents. Unique in its simplicity and practical focus on clinical assessment, Nydick is unlike later systems that categorize gynaecomastia into various stages based on the extent of breast enlargement and skin

Cohen 1987 Gynaecomastia Classification System

Cohen 1987 Gynaecomastia Classification System

The Cohen classification system is a framework for categorising the severity and presentation of gynaecomastia, a condition characterised by the enlargement of male breast tissue. Developed by J.C. Cohen in 1987, this system built upon earlier models, offering recommendations for planning the most appropriate gynecomastia treatment. By classifying gynecomastia into four distinct

Gusenoff Gynecomastia Classification System (2008)

Gusenoff Gynecomastia Classification System (2008)

Developed by Jeffrey A. Gusenoff to classify gynecomastia based on the severity of breast tissue enlargement, skin excess, and the degree of ptosis (sagging), the Gusenoff Gynecomastia Classification System is particularly focused on guiding surgical treatment for patients, providing a clear framework for surgeons to choose the appropriate technique based

The Barros 2012 Gynaecomastia Classification System: Approaches for Evaluation and Therapeutic Solutions

The Barros 2012 Gynaecomastia Classification System: Approaches for Evaluation and Therapeutic Solutions

Presented by Alfredo Carlos Simões Dornellas de Barros to classify gynaecomastia based on the shape, size, and degree of male breast enlargement, as well as skin laxity, the Barros 2012 Gynaecomastia System addresses the causes, varying levels of severity, and surgical planning for each grade. This text discusses one of

Dr. Bernard Beldholm’s Comprehensive Summary of Gynaecomastia Surgery Grading Systems

Dr. Bernard Beldholm’s Comprehensive Summary of Gynaecomastia Surgery Grading Systems

Gynaecomastia, the enlargement of male breast tissue, is commonly classified into grades based on the severity of the condition. The appearance of enlarged breasts is a concern that affects males of all ages from puberty on. While the term “gynaecomastia” is frequently used as a blanket term when referring to

Bodybuilder’s Guide to Managing Gynaecomastia

Bodybuilder’s Guide to Managing Gynaecomastia

During periods of intensive fat loss for bodybuilders getting stage-ready, the relative prominence of gynaecomastia becomes more noticeable. As body fat decreases, any existing breast tissue becomes more apparent against the chiseled contours of the chest. This can lead to aesthetic discrepancies that are especially concerning for competitive bodybuilders whose

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