Historically Significant: Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision, Webster (1946)

Historically Significant: Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision, Webster (1946) 

Written in 1946 by Dr. Jerome P. Webster, Mastectomy for Gynecomastia Through a Semicircular Intra-Areolar Incision describes a forward-thinking surgical technique for treating gynaecomastia using a minimally invasive approach.  First introduced in 1934, the Webster procedure holds particular historical significance as one of the first surgical approaches specifically designed to

Beldholm 2024 Gynaecomastia Grading System and Treatment Recommendations

Beldholm 2024 Gynaecomastia Grading System and Treatment Recommendations

More than a physical condition or aesthetic concerns, men suffering with gynaecomastia are also burdened with psychological issues and emotional distress, which can be just as, if not more, debilitating.  Developed after a decade and half of experience treating men with gynaecomastia, my goal when creating this new classification system

Rohrich Gynaecomastia Classification System (2003)

Rohrich Gynaecomastia Classification System (2003)

According to an article, Classification and Management of Gynecomastia: Defining the Role of Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction, written by Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., et al., medical management has had limited success for the treatment of gynaecomastia, with excisional surgical techniques becoming the accepted standard. However, with such important physical and psychological impacts and an

Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System

Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System

Introduced in 1961, the Nydick 1961 Gynaecomastia Classification System focuses on identifying gynecomastia in its early stages, particularly in adolescents. Unique in its simplicity and practical focus on clinical assessment, Nydick is unlike later systems that categorize gynaecomastia into various stages based on the extent of breast enlargement and skin

Cordova and Moschella 2008 Gynecomastia Classification System

Cordova and Moschella 2008 Gynecomastia Classification System

Gynecomastia is a common aesthetic issue frequently encountered by surgeons. Most male patients with this condition undergo surgery to regain their masculine contour and flat chest with as few scars as possible. Developed by Adriana Cordova and Francesco Moschella, a study was conducted to review the older classification methods of

Combining Subcutaneous Mastectomy with VASER Liposuction for Gynaecomastia BB Grade 2a, 3a & 4a: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

Combining Subcutaneous Mastectomy with VASER Liposuction for Gynaecomastia BB Grade 2a, 3a & 4a: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

Combining subcutaneous mastectomy with liposuction to treat gynecomastia is a proven method, targeting both firm glandular and excess fatty breast tissue. This article explains how this combination works, its benefits, and what to expect during treatment and recovery. Disclaimer: Operation performed by Dr Bernard Beldholm. Adult content, surgery has risks;

VASER Liposuction for Pseudo-Gynaecomastia BB Grade 2b, 3b & 4b: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

VASER Liposuction for Pseudo-Gynaecomastia BB Grade 2b, 3b & 4b: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

Liposuction gynaecomastia is an effective method for reducing Pseudo-gynaecomastia. In this article, we cover how the procedure works, who it’s suitable for, and what you can expect during recovery. Pseudogynecomastia is a medical condition characterized by the appearance of enlarged breasts in males, caused by an accumulation of fatty tissue

Subcutaneous Mastectomy for Gynaecomastia BB grade 1: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

Subcutaneous Mastectomy for Gynaecomastia BB grade 1: Effective Male Breast Reduction Treatment

Performing a subcutaneous mastectomy is usually part of most gynaecomastia surgery procedures. This article will discuss treatment for grade 1 gynaecomastia with subcutaneous mastectomy without liposuction. Beldholm 2024 gynaecomastia grading system Grade 1 refers to: Check out my other article on treating gynaecomastia with subcutaneous mastectomy, including VASER liposuction. Combining

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This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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