Ramifications of Re-Gaining Weight After FDL Surgery

Ramifications of Re-Gaining Weight After FDL Surgery

Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty is a specialised procedure that removes excess skin and fatty tissue, usually after massive weight loss. It addresses loose skin in the abdomen, reshaping it into a more contoured and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Therefore, Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty is ideal for patients who have undergone extreme changes in weight. Despite

Risk of Outer Scarring Following Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Risk of Outer Scarring Following Fleur-de-Lis Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Development of outer scarring is normal after a surgical procedure, including Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty, and this calls for no alarm. There are cases, however, where the patient may develop abnormal scarring, necessitating additional attention. Outer scarring is standard after Fleur-de-Lis abdominoplasty, resulting in expected, less visible, and somewhat concealable scars. Because most

Understanding the Difference Between Abdominoplasty and Lipectomy for Body Contouring

Understanding the Difference Between Abdominoplasty and Lipectomy for Body Contouring

Choosing the right body contouring procedure can be challenging, especially when you’re unsure about the difference between abdominoplasty and lipectomy. Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, targets the abdominal area for a firmer look by removing excess skin and tightening muscles. Lipectomy, however, can address multiple body parts, reducing fat and excess

How Soon Can I Drive After Brachioplasty Surgery?

How Soon Can I Drive After Brachioplasty Surgery?

After your arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery, it takes averagely two to three weeks before you can resume driving. Before then, you’ll need someone to drive you from the hospital after your procedure and during our follow-up appointments. Your arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery will affect the full functioning of your arms,

Lower Body Lift (Belt Lipectomy) After Bariatric Surgery: A Full Guide

Lower Body Lift (Belt Lipectomy) After Bariatric Surgery: A Full Guide

A belt lipectomy, or lower body lift, is a procedure that removes excess skin from the abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks, commonly following major weight loss like after bariatric surgery. It reshapes the lower body, improving comfort, mobility, and appearance, helping patients reach their desired outcome. Bariatric procedures are more

Understanding and Managing Brachioplasty Complications

Understanding and Managing Brachioplasty Complications

Considering brachioplasty (Arm lift)? Learn about the potential brachioplasty complications, like scarring, infections, and nerve damage. This guide prepares you for the risks and helps you make informed decisions. Key Takeaways Common Complications of Brachioplasty Disclaimer: Operation performed by Dr Bernard Beldholm. Adult content, surgery has risks; individual results vary,

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This website contains adult content. You must be 18 years or over to read. All surgery carries risks. You should seek a second opinion before proceeding. Results vary from patient to patient. See our disclaimer.
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