What to Wear After Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) Surgery


Dr Bernard Beldholm

When one loses a substantial amount of weight after years of severe obesity, skin elasticity in the upper arms will diminish. Brachioplasty (arm lift surgery) is a body contouring surgery designed to remove excess skin and stubborn fat from the upper arms, offering new body contours with just a few weeks of downtime. Ideal for patients who have experienced major weight loss after gastric bypass surgery, pregnancy, or healthy lifestyle changes, brachioplasty results in a more toned and contoured appearance. After this procedure, patients will experience soreness and are required to wear compression garments, both of which will limit the types of clothing that can be worn.

Compression garments are special medical-grade articles of clothing made with high-quality, durable materials like nylon and elastic designed to apply pressure on the limbs to stabilise them and offer support and enhance recovery after surgical procedures like brachioplasty. Among other things compression garments help reduce swelling, prevent blood clots, and minimise bruising.

Dressing after brachioplasty surgery | Dr Beldholm

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After the procedure, wearing loose-fitting clothing will lead to fewer risks by minimising irritation and protecting surgical incisions. I will walk you through the guidelines of what to wear after arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery during our consultation session, but I created this guide to help you prepare your post-surgical wardrobe.

arm list after loosing weight from bariatric procedures | Dr Beldholm
Arm list after loosing weight from bariatric procedures | Dr Beldholm

Understanding Brachioplasty: What it Involves and Suitability

According to a scientific study published by National Library of Medicine, Brachioplasty (arm lift surgery), “entails the excision of excess skin and lipodystrophy of the upper arm, which can extend onto the lateral chest wall.”

Significant weight loss due to gastric bypass surgery and other weight loss surgery (metabolic and bariatric surgery) are the most common causes of sagging skin tissue on the upper arm leading to arm lift surgery. Other common causes of brachial skin elasticity include losing weight quickly after weight gain during pregnancy and age.

The excess skin tissue on the upper arm may cause health problems, including intertrigo, infections, skin rashes, poor hygiene, and psychological morbidity.

While most of my patients choose to undergo brachioplasty for cosmetic purposes, some require the procedure for health issues.

A study points out that “[b]ody contouring procedures, including brachioplasty following bariatric surgery procedures, improve satisfaction, function, and quality of life.” Before body contouring surgery, I will determine your suitability by assessing the degree of excess fat and skin tissue on your upper arms and your medical history. This is crucial for identifying the procedure’s approach, scar length, and placement. I also incorporate VASER Liposuction to remove excess fat deposits, enhancing the overall results. After surgery, it’s time for rest and recovery, and I will place you on post-operative care.

Post Surgical Arm Compression Garment - Sleeve | Arm Lift
Post Surgical Arm Compression Garment – Sleeve | Arm Lift

What are Compression Garments and why do you Need Them After Brachioplasty?

A common recommendation by most surgeons for postoperative care after arm lift surgery (brachioplasty), I advise my patients to wear compression garments, special items of clothing made of breathable elastic material that applies pressure to the limbs, providing stability and support.

A study describes them as “[s]pecial clothing containing elastomeric fibres and yarns used to apply substantial mechanical pressure on the surface of needed body zones for stabilising, compressing, and supporting underlying tissues.”

Their special design and material helps enhance recovery after procedures like brachioplasty, but can be worn almost anywhere on the body.

Arm contour
Arm contour

Benefits of Compression Garments After Brachioplasty

Reduces Swelling

Removing extra skin can result in swelling after surgery. Common and most pronounced during the first several weeks after arm lift surgery, swelling is a normal reaction as the body reacts to the changes by sending healing agents to the surgery site. A compression garment exerts pressure on the site, reducing swelling.

Minimises Bruising

Bruising arises when blood vessels are broken during surgery, causing the blood and fluids to pool under the skin. Wearing these garments prevents the continued breakage of the blood vessels, while the pressure limits fluid accumulation around the surgical area, reducing bruising.

Reduces Pain

A form of compression therapy, they provide gentle pressure that may help reduce the pain experienced during healing. I always advise my patients that these garments are not a substitute for pain medication.

Offers Support and Allows Tissue Adherence

Because the arms are weak after an arm lift (brachioplasty), and the tissues must conform to the new shape, compression garments support the tissues and enhance adherence, allowing the tissue to conform.

Enhances Arm Contouring

Compression garments hold the tissues together after body contouring surgery, maintaining an even pressure on the arm. This prevents wrinkling as the swelling reduces and the tissues conform to the new shape. It also ensures the arm achieves a smooth appearance, enhancing the overall look..

Reduces the Risk of Keloids

Scarring is normal after any surgical procedure. However, in rare instances, patients may develop abnormal scarring, such as keloids. Keloids are thick raised scars that may develop on the incision site due to abnormal scarring or predisposition. A compression garment keeps the scar tissue soft, minimising the risk of keloids.


How to Choose the Right Compression Garments 

Available in different sizes, fittings, materials, levels, and styles, wisely choosing compression garments is as important as wearing them properly. Here are some attributes of a quality compression garment.


A quality compression garment material should be breathable and moisture wicking. This ensures the wound is well-oxygenated and dry, preventing irritation and infections.

Proper Size and Fitting

One should feel comfortable wearing a compression garment, therefore, it should fit properly. That means that it should be firm but not too tight and stay in place without irritation or discomfort. I always measure my patient’s arms to achieve an ideal fit.

Level of Compression

The garment’s level of compression should be firm and consistent without restricting blood flow.

Flat Seams

Seams can press or rub against the skin, causing irritation, discomfort, and sometimes pain, which is why I recommend seamless or flat-seam garments.


Swelling is most prominent during the first weeks after brachioplasty, necessitating a larger compression garment during the early days of recovery. As swelling subsides, however, you must be able to adjust the compression garment’s size to ensure firmness. Therefore, I advise choosing an adjustable compression garment that allows you to adjust to achieve your desired size. You can consider compression garments with Velcro hooks or multiple eyes and hooks that offer adjustments.

Sagging skin after loosing weight

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When to Wear Compression Garments Post-Arm Lift Surgery

It’s important to wear a compression garment all day for the first few weeks after surgery. My patients typically wear them full time for 4 weeks, and then part time for another 2 weeks, either during the day or at night, depending on what is more comfortable for them.

Tips to Effectively Wear and Maintain Your Compression Garment

  • Be very careful when putting on and removing the garment to avoid straining the incisions.
  • Wear the compression garment for the recommended number of hours each day
  • Clean the garment regularly to avoid an increased risk of wound contamination.
  • Purchase two or more compression garments and alternate use between laundering. 
  • Avoid taking baths in the first few days. After a few days, you will be able to start taking sponge baths and eventually showering, but please await my instructions.
Dressing after an arm lift
Dressing after an arm lift

What to Wear When Recovering From Brachioplasty?

Recovery from arm lift surgery takes some time. During these early days, it’s important to have a few items of clothing that are loose fitting and easy to get on and off, including:

Loose-Fitting ClothingAfter surgery, it’s important to have a few loose-fitting tops that can accommodate swelling and make room for compression garments. Avoid tight, constrictive tops, sleepwear, jackets, and coats.

Tops That Open in the Front: Opt for clothes that are easy to put on and remove such as blouses, hoodies, and sweaters that button or zip in the front. Avoid tops that need to be pulled over your head, as lifting your arms over your head can not only be challenging and painful but can put a strain on your incisions.

Front-Closure Bras: Similarly, if you must wear a bra, choose styles with front closures to reduce strain. 

Soft, Breathable, Non-Irritating Materials: Wearing breathable fabrics allows air to get to the wound, whereas synthetic or heavy fabrics, which can be uncomfortable and itchy, tend to trap sweat, cause body odour, and increase the risk of infection.

Long Sleeved Tops: Though long sleeved tops help to hide the scars and offer protection from the sun, short-sleeved tops are more practical and comfortable in early recovery. 

avoiding heavy lifting after arm lift surgery
Avoiding heavy lifting after arm lift surgery

Returning to Regular Dressing

Residual swelling can take up to 6 to 12 months. However, most pain and swelling are gone by the sixth week, and most patients can resume their normal day-to-day activities, including wearing their regular clothing.

Recovery timelines vary by the individual. Therefore, wait until you feel comfortable in regular clothing before fully resuming your normal wardrobe. Ensure you avoid tight tops that might cause discomfort or harm the incision. It’s important not to rush the process since there will be plenty of time to experiment with fashion after recovery.

remove excess fat deposits
Remove excess fat deposits

Will Clothes Hide the Scars?

Scars take time to heal and appear as permanent marks on the incision site. Though I always try to ensure the scars are concealable by the clothing, the most efficient way to conceal scars is to wear long-sleeved shirts. However, it’s hard for patients who live in warmer climates like Australia to conceal scars, as wearing long sleeves is not always feasible. Despite this challenge, however, most patients agree that the benefits of arm lift (brachioplasty) overshadow the scars.


Can I take the compression garment off when taking a shower?

I recommend avoiding showering for the first two days after surgery. When you do shower, remove the compression garment before and put it back on when you’re completely dry. I use PICO dressings that should not get wet for the first 7 days, so avoid getting the surgical area wet when showering.

Can I wash the compression garment?

You should wash the garment regularly, usually every 1-2 days. That’s why I generally recommend having 2 garments: one to wash and the other to wear.

Are there potential complications regarding compression garments?

Compressional garments may pose a few side effects such as skin irritation and poor blood circulation which his occurs if the compression garment is too tight. Symptoms include numbness, tingling sensation, or paleness on the skin. If these symptoms persist, contact your healthcare provider.

Will I be required to buy my compression garment?

One compression garment is included in the overall cost of the procedure. Additional compression garments can be ordered though our office.

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Dr. B’s Additional Tips for a Successful Recovery

Excess sagging skin and fat tissue on your upper arms can cause physical and psychological challenges. Brachioplasty (arm lift) helps tighten loose skin, restore normal bodily functions, and enhance body contouring. When it comes to what to wear after brachioplasty surgery, I recommend wearing whatever is most comfortable, which generally includes breathable materials like cotton and loose-fitting tops and undergarments with front closures. I also stress the importance of wearing a compression garment.

Following all post-operative care, including eating a healthy diet and exercise, staying hydrated, getting enough rest, avoiding strenuous activities, taking the prescribed medication, and attending follow-up sessions, among other dos and don’ts, is essential. Contact me (Dr. Beldholm) for additional information and book a consultation for a brachioplasty.


  1. Weakley, J., Broatch, J., O’Riordan, S., Morrison, M., Maniar, N., & Halson, S. L. (2022). Putting the Squeeze on Compression Garments: Current Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research: A Systematic Scoping Review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.)52(5), 1141–1160. 
  2. Nagrath, N., & Winters, R. (2023). Brachioplasty. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.
  3. Brown, F. C. W., Hill, J. A., & Pedlar, C. R. (2022). Compression Garments for Recovery from Muscle Damage: Evidence and Implications of Dose Responses. Current sports medicine reports21(2), 45–52.
  4. Hurwitz D. (2014). Brachioplasty. Clinics in plastic surgery41(4), 745–751. 
  5. Tahir, S. M., Ihebom, D., & Simman, R. (2024). Compression Therapy for Keloid Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open12(6), e5864. 
  6. Xiong, Y., & Tao, X. (2018). Compression Garments for Medical Therapy and Sports. Polymers10(6), 663. 
  7. Egrari S. (2016). Brachioplasty: A Personal Approach. Aesthetic surgery journal36(2), 193–203.
  8. Reed L. S. (2014). Brachioplasty with limited scar. Clinics in plastic surgery41(4), 753–763. 
  9. Zomerlei, T. A., Neaman, K. C., Armstrong, S. D., Aitken, M. E., Cullen, W. T., Ford, R. D., Renucci, J. D., & VanderWoude, D. L. (2013). Brachioplasty outcomes: a review of a multipractice cohort. Plastic and reconstructive surgery131(4), 883–889. 
  10. Elkhatib H. (2013). Posterior Scar Brachioplasty with Fascial Suspension: A Long-term Follow-up of a Modified Technique. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open1(6), e38.
  11. Sisti, A., Cuomo, R., Milonia, L., Tassinari, J., Castagna, A., Brandi, C., Grimaldi, L., D’Aniello, C., & Nisi, G. (2018). Complications associated with brachioplasty: a literature review. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis88(4), 393–402.
  12. Chowdhry, S., Elston, J. B., Lefkowitz, T., & Wilhelmi, B. J. (2010). Avoiding the medial brachial cutaneous nerve in brachioplasty: an anatomical study. Eplasty10, e16.

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