How Soon Can I Drive After Brachioplasty Surgery?


Dr Bernard Beldholm

After your arm lift (brachioplasty) surgery, it takes averagely two to three weeks before you can resume driving. Before then, you’ll need someone to drive you from the hospital after your procedure and during our follow-up appointments.

Your arm lift (Brachioplasty) surgery will affect the full functioning of your arms, restricting mobility. During our consultative session, I will review the dos and don’ts after your surgery to enhance recovery and reduce the risk of developing complications.

One recommendation is to avoid driving after the procedure. Driving might require sharp manoeuvres, which can be strenuous on the delicate arm tissues. Therefore, it is best to ask a friend or family members to drive you from the hospital, to follow-up appointments, grocery shopping, etc.

After two to three weeks, come for the follow-up appointment to check your progress and determine whether you can resume driving. Below is a doctor’s advice on determining your driving eligibility after recovering from brachioplasty surgery. We will also review various transport alternatives to consider if your friends and family are busy and cannot facilitate your movement during this delicate period.

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Why You’ll Need a Ride Home From the Hospital  

An arm lift surgery (Brachioplasty) can be a day procedure, an overnight stay at our hospital, or longer, depending on your situation. Whichever the option, I recommend getting someone to drive you home because of the following reasons;

Feeling Sleepy After General Anaesthesia

Your two to three-hour arm lift surgery requires I administer you with general anaesthesia. It takes almost 48 hours for the sleepiness, slow reflexes, mental fogginess, and other anaesthesia effects to go away. It is almost impossible to take yourself home in such a state.

Soreness and Swelling

The brachioplasty procedure will leave both arms sore and swollen. Any extreme movement can cause discomfort and sometimes sharp pain. Driving requires complex movements, and attempts to steer a car are uncomfortable. Furthermore, I advise against exposing the delicate arm tissues to unnecessary strenuous activities, such as driving, for several weeks.

Side Effects From Pain Medication

Similar to general anaesthesia, the medication administered to treat pain during the procedure has side effects. These opiate medications alter your central nervous system functioning and can cause common side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and mood changes. These effects affect your cognitive performance, making it unsafe to drive yourself home.

Getting in the Car to Leave the Hospital

After your arm lift surgery, I recommend taking extra caution with your movements. You will need assistance getting in your car to avoid straining the affected arm muscles. A chaperon has to be there to open the door, assist you in getting in the car, secure your seatbelt, and close the door. Once you get home, they should also help you out of the car and settle in your house.

Getting to Follow-Up Appointments  

I recommend staying off driving and other strenuous activities for two to three weeks, after which we will have our first follow-up appointment to assess your blood pressure and take other vital tests. Therefore, you will need someone to drive you to and from our first follow-up visit.

During your visit, I will conduct a physical exam to check on the progress, test your blood pressure, and ensure recovery of the arm tissues. Depending on your progress and examination, I will provide a detailed schedule on when you should gradually resume normal activities.

Going Grocery Shopping

During your two-to-three-week recovery period, you will need someone to drive you. This means you cannot go grocery shopping alone. Furthermore, you’ll need assistance carrying the heavy shopping bags.

During out consultative session before surgery, I recommend shopping for three weeks’ worth of home supplies before getting your arm lift surgery. Another alternative is to get someone to assist you in ordering takeaway food or take you grocery shopping.  

Arranging Transportation for Children

As part of your Brachioplasty preparations, one task is finding someone to drive your kids during your recovery period. You can organise bus transportation to or from school, or a carpool.

I recommend finding a neighbour, relative, or a friend who will drive your kids to playdates, after-school activities, sports practice, the dentist, or any other unplanned trips.

Surgical Complications That May Delay Driving

 Brachioplasty, like any other major surgery, has risks and complications. Many patients have a risk-free recovery; however, it is not always guaranteed. The recommended two to three weeks recovery period may extend if there is an infection, blood clots, or wound healing issues.

These are some complications I’ll look out for during your first post-op appointment. Any surgical complications will mean more period of time away from driving.

We will address any issues, and I will guide you through the healing process. Furthermore, I will provide a customised and detailed return-to-work schedule, including when to resume driving, depending on your recovery from the developed complications.

First Time Driving After Arm Lift Surgery

After a two-week complication-free recovery period and getting a green light to resume driving, your first experience steering will be unusual. I recommend a test drive under supervision to ease into driving gradually.

It is crucial to choose a favourable area for your safety and the safety of others. For instance, a good test drive spot is somewhere with no heavy traffic. As you begin your test drive, avoid getting overconfident. Begin with simple manoeuvres and pay attention to how your arm feels and stays mobile.

If you feel any sharp pain or discomfort, it is better to hand over the steering wheel and give me a call. One important rule is to never force yourself back to driving if you don’t feel 100% up to it. Remember, your arm muscles are still recovering from the brachioplasty and strenuous activity can undo your progress.

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Alternatives to Friends and Family Driving You Around

Friends and relatives can sometimes be unavailable due to their busy schedules. They may be available to take you home after surgery but might not be around to take you grocery shopping and other errands.

If that’s the case, there’s no need to worry as you can find reliable transportation from:

Uber Health 

Uber Health is a service whose primary focus is doctors and patients. It offers reliable, non-emergency transportation to arm lift surgery patients. Using Uber Health transportation services from the hospital and follow-up appointments is straightforward through their mobile app.

I recommend Uber Health because of its reliability and patient-friendly environment. Furthermore, this transportation company ensures it operates according to the Health Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards as required by government officials. A coordination system also ensures you never miss our follow-up appointments.  

Moreover, the costs are more affordable than other options. For instance, if no medical supervision is needed, Uber Health offers ride-sharing alternatives to help reduce your travel costs and reduce energy expenditure. If you are new to using Uber Health, our team is more than willing to help you set up an account, show you how to operate, and request their services.

Uber Health’s only limitation is that it only offers transportation to and from our hospital. That means you’ll have to find other alternatives to go grocery shopping. However, Uber Health should be your top priority if you have someone to run these errands for you.

Taxi Service

Taxi service is a good alternative to Uber Health as it offers Brachioplasty patients transportation to almost all destinations. The main reason why I recommend taxi service is the industry’s digitalisation. Nowadays, it is easier to get a ride with a tap of a button.

Most available taxi service applications offer enough information, including the driver’s details, that might be crucial as you plan your trips. Furthermore, most services provide transportation in almost all places in Australia. The good news is that our medical facility is easily accessible and recognisable.

Another advantage of taxi services is they can pick you up from anywhere, including after your air travel, and take you long distances. If you have something to pick up after your appointment, your cab will take you to places where Uber Health services aren’t allowed.

The best way to find a reliable taxi service in Newcastle, Australia, is through the 13cabs app. Here you will find all the available taxis near you. 13cabs features professional drivers who undergo safety training to ensure the safety of the passengers and their goods.

Taxi service, however, has its limitations. For instance, it is a more expensive option than Uber Health. Furthermore, the drivers have little to no medical training to ensure they attend to arm lift surgery patients according to the Health Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards.


If you do not wish to undergo the hassle of getting a new driver to and from the hospital, you should consider getting a chauffeur. As much as it might be an expensive option, a chauffeur’s objective of the day is to ensure your transportation needs are fully met.

Unlike taxi cab drivers, you can choose who you wish to accompany you during these rides. You also get more authority and control over your transport schedule.

However, it is crucial to get a trained and licensed chauffeur. I advise against getting your neighbour with no chauffeur experience to drive you around. As your arm tissues recover from the procedure, getting a chauffeur who has undergone safety training is important.

Other benefits of getting a chauffeur are on-time arrivals, stress-free travels, and professionalism. There are various reliable services online where you can get licensed and approved chauffeurs.

Home Health Aide

Apart from getting to and from hospitals, you will need assistance with almost everything. As much as Uber Health, taxi services, and your chauffeur aid in transportation, this is a service they might lack. If you don’t know where to get a reliable and professional general health care giver, our team will help you.

Studies show that surgery patients recover faster and develop fewer complications with available home health aides. A study by the National Library of Medicine shows that, “

Professional medical care experts will ensure your comfort and maximum recovery. They will assist you in following the recommended diet plan, avoid harmful indulges such as drinking alcohol, and taking your medication according to their prescriptions.

Furthermore, most healthcare professionals are trained to offer emotional support. Your recovery process will be improved if you have positive people around you who cheer you up and offer words of encouragement.

If you are still hesitant about getting a caregiver, consider their level of professionalism and medical background. One crucial benefit of having trained caregivers by your side is they can detect any Brachioplasty complications. Early detection prevents further damage when you seek advice and immediate medical attention.

Public Transportation

If all the above transportation alternatives don’t work for you for various reasons, your last option is public transportation. I do not recommend this, but it can be a good option if done correctly.

The downside with public transport is sharing space with people who do not understand your situation. However, you can choose premium public transport options that are more spacious and convenient.

Also, choose to ride when there is less traffic or rush. A good strategy is to travel from 9 am to 3 pm on weekdays, during off-peak hours. Weekends are not as busy as weekdays, and you shouldn’t expect much inconvenience.

Dr. B’s Final Thoughts About Driving After Brachioplasty 

After your brachioplasty surgery, your primary objective should be giving your arm tissues enough time to heal. Driving can be a strenuous activity that can undo all the progress, cause pain, or lead to complications. The general rule of thumb is to wait two to three weeks before getting behind the wheel. However, you should wait until after our follow-up medical appointments to receive the green light to resume driving. As you recover, do not drink alcohol or smoke as this will affect the healing process and promote development of higher risk complications. Ensure you do it gradually; take baby steps to allow your arm muscles to recover and recollect their steering movements.

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